
2nd Flower-Bike-Tour in Bolzano
BICINFIORE - 1.5.2021
For Bolzano the bicycle is a feather in its cap. Cycling is exercise in the open air, is good for everbody‘s health and reduces stress. But first and foremost is respect for the environment and energy saving, which are shared by the population of South Tyrol and particularly appreciated by tourists.
This is why the BICINFIORE project was born, which aims to promote the use of bicycles by organising a special event: a meeting of bicycles decorated with flowers and a tour through the historic centre of Bolzano during the traditional Bolzano Flower Festival, which celebrates its 132 nd edition this year.
This is the leitmotif of "BICINFIORE", the event that starts on Wednesday, 1 May 2021 at 5 pm at Piazza Walther Platz.
Participation is free of charge. Participants have just to sign up. The form can be downloaded from the website of the Tourist Office of the City of Bolzano.
Anyone who comes on a bicycle that is decorated with flowers, leaves, plants or herbs in at least one place can take part in the Flower Bike Tour. Decorations made of other materials are also allowed.
The BICINFIORE Bike event is all about colours, scents, fun and creativity.
The bikes with the most original decorations will be awarded at the end of the city tour. The prizes will be conferred on the stage set up in Piazza Walther-Platz, amidst the splendid flowers and plants of the Flower Festival organised by the Bolzano Tourist Office in collaboration with the South Tyrolean Flower Growers' Association.
Who will win the title of the prettiest and most original BICINFIORE bicycle and one beautiful prizes?
Join in and help make BICINFIORE the biggest parade of flower-decorated bicycles in the world!
Tourist Office of the City of Bolzano T. 0471 307044
Laura Piovesan Schütz Project Manager
LPS Communication Bolzano T. 335 8071133

Bolzano 2020
The tactile section of the exhibition "RAFFAELLO Textile Masterpieces" is enriched by a special work: the glass relief of the Portrait of a Gentlewoman, known as La Muta (The Mute).
With the motto "TOUCH PLEASE, TO SEE" it is now available at the Centro Trevi TREVILAB in Bolzano.
There are no more meaningful and appropriate words than those written by Alessandro Cuccato of Glas Art Design Vetroricerca, author together with Alessandra Piazza of this extraordinary glass masterpiece, to describe the new arrival at TREVILAB.
"I present to you Il ritratto di gentildonna detto la Muta (The portrait of a gentlewoman known as the Mute), a two-dimensional work taken from the homonymous painting by Raphael, now on display at the Trevi Centre in Bolzano as part of the RAFFAELLO Capolavori tessuti (Raphael's Textile Masterpieces) exhibition), the initiative organised to mark the 500th anniversary of the death of the great Italian genius Raphael. The two-coloured black and green glass work is part of the exhibition's tactile route and is intended to interest a wide public in culture. We hope that the sculpture will also be "caressed" by those who can see it and that art can be an opportunity for ALL to acquire new talents. We would like to thank the Centro Trevi TREVILAB of Bolzano, the Museo Tattile Statale Omero of Ancona, the Associazione Ciechi e Ipovedenti of Bolzano and the great Raphael for having involved us in this extraordinary initiative".
And already yesterday, a visually impaired visitor visited the exhibition, who was the first to touch and experience the Muta. Mrs. Monica Bancaro enjoyed the initiative very much and never stopped asking questions about the glass relief and expressing her appreciation of this initiative and this work, which enabled her to enjoy the Portrait of a Gentlewoman in such detail.
The exhibition 'RAFFAELLO Capolavori tessuti. Fortuna e mito di un grande genio italiano' (RAFFAELLO Textile Masterpieces. The fortune and myth of a great Italian genius) is a project of the Office for Culture, Department for Italian Culture of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-South Tyrol, and will be open until 15 December 2020.
Info: Tel. 0471 300980
Press Contact: Agency LPS Communication - Laura Piovesan Schütz 335 8071133